Today we learned Faithfulness is the act of being thorough to perform...

Pastor Niyi reminded us of the importance in encouraging ourselves in...

Pastor Niyi O. spoke about the importance of building an altar to nor...

Pastor Bunmi A. reminded us today about 'The Principles of GOD...

Pastor Niyi reminded us that there are several things that are...

Happy Mothers' Day! to all the women. Pastor Sola A. discussed the...

We were taught about the secret place by Pastor Bunmi Adisa. The text...

Pastor Bunmi taught us today about a heart that is right with God. The...

Pastor Bunmi Led Us in a Worship experience as we sought the face of God.

The topic for today's sermon was It Would End In Praise. It was...

The topic for today's sermon was The Sixth Sense. It was preached by...
The topic for today's sermon was ADVANCE! It was preached by Pastor...

The topic for today's sermon was Love. It was preached by Pastor Bunmi...
Today Pastor Francis Oluwalade spoke to us on the topic "IF I BE A MAN...

Today Pastor Bunmi Adisa spoke to us on the topic, "In Whose Name." The...

Today Pastor Teniola Ojuolape spoke to us on the topic, "Be Aware of...

Today Pastor Niyi Ojuolape spoke to us about the mercies of God. The...

Today Pastor Bunmi Adisa spoke to us on the topic, "Complete Obedience...

Today Pastor Bunmi Adisa spoke to us on the topic, "Breath of Life"...

Today Pastor Bunmi Adisa continued to preach on the topic, "Breath of...

Today Pastor Bunmi Adisa encouraged us not to be afraid and victims of...

Today Pastor Bunmi Adisa spoke on the wonders of God. God has done a...

Today Pastor Bunmi Adisa spoke on building a memorial. It is always...

Today Pastor Sola Adisa spoke on the order and time of life. The text...

Today Pastor Niyi Ojuolape spoke on the power of the resurrection. The...

Today Pastor Bunmi Adisa spoke to us on the God of mercy. There is...

Today Pastor Bunmi Adisa spoke to us on what mercy can do. God's mercy...

Pastor Bunmi Adisa continued to tell us what mercy can do. God has...

Today, Pastor Bunmi Adisa spoke on healing. There are several ways we...

Today, Pastor Niyi Ojuolape spoke to us on staying connected to God -...

Today, Pastor Bunmi Adisa spoke to us on where not to go for help. We...

Today, Pastor Bunmi spoke on declaration, decree, and prophecy. It is...

Today, Pastor Bunmi spoke on the value we place on the word of God. We...

Today, Pastor Teni spoke to us on the RCCG December 2023 Holy Ghost...

Today, Pastor Bunmi spoke on times and seasons. The bible text was...

Today, Pastor Bunmi spoke on the kindness of God. The bible text was...

Happy Easter! Today, Pastor Niyi spoke on the journey to Emmaus as seen...

Today, Pastor Bunmi preached on the topic "Return to Shiloh." Shiloh is...